Author Archives: louise

Plantar Fasciitis and Reflexology

Plantar fasciitis (“PLAN-ter fash-ee-EYE-tus”) is the most common cause of foot pain. The plantar fascia is the flat band of tissue (ligament) that connects your heel bone to your toes and which supports the arch of your foot. If you strain your plantar fascia, it gets weak, swollen, and irritated (inflamed) and then your heel or the bottom of your foot hurts when you stand or walk.

Plantar fasciitis is common in middle-aged people, but it also occurs in younger people who are on their feet a lot. It can happen in one foot or both feet and it is caused by straining the ligament that supports your arch. Repeated strain can cause tiny tears in the ligament which can lead to pain and swelling. This is more likely to happen if:

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Athletes Foot And Reflexology

Athletes Foot Blog

Reflexology is the most popular treatment I offer but you don’t have to miss out if you think you may have athletes foot.

Athlete’s foot (also known as ringworm of the foot or tinea pedis) is a fungal infection of the foot, especially between the toes. The infection can make the skin can turn white and thicken. The fungus can also cause the skin to redden, crack and flake and this may cause itching.

If the infection spreads across the sole of the foot it is referred to as moccasin athlete’s foot. The soles of the feet, the heels and the edges of the feet are then dry, scaly and may be itchy.

You can treat athlete’s foot naturally by soaking your feet for at least 10 minutes in warm water. Add ½ cup of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of Himalayan crystal salt or sea salt to the water and repeat this for up to two weeks. When drying your feet it is important to make sure they are completely dry.

Essential oils that are particularly helpful in treating athlete’s foot are tea tree and peppermint. Tea tree oil is well known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and peppermint oil has astringent and antimicrobial properties and contains menthol, which can help provide relief to the inflammation this condition causes. The combination of these oils create a perfect synergy to combat athletes foot. They must not be used neat on the skin as they need to be added to a carrier oil or cream before application.

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I have believed in angels ever since I was a little girl. I remember wanting to be an angel in the nativity play at primary school but for some reason, I was made to wear a tea towel on my head and sing in the choir. I was not happy. I remember seeing the other girls dressed up as angels in their pretty costumes and wings and I remember feeling most put out.


There were angels everywhere when I was little and on Sundays at church I remember not wanting to move up close to the next person in case my angel got squashed.

You see them as statues in Churches and Cathedrals and it always surprises me that they don’t get mentioned much during religious ceremonies. It was the one bit of the church experience that I could really connect with growing up because I could feel them all around.

Angels are God’s messengers at work in the world today and they are our connection to the higher realms and they come in many forms.

An earth angel is someone who selflessly assists others or it could be a helpful animal or stranger.

A Guardian angel is a specific type of spirit guide that is assigned to protect and guide us. They accompany us through birth and are with us in every thought, word and event we experience in life. They are pure love and bring to us only what will help us, guide us, protect us and encourage us to aspire to the very best qualities of our soul.

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Space Clearing

Space clearing is a ceremony that can be done to clear and refresh the energies that become imprinted over time in the buildings we occupy.

Aura Mist dislpay

The vibration of whatever happens in a room or home is absorbed into the furniture, the floors, the walls, the ceiling, objects, animals, plants and people in that space and the energy of this vibration sticks around. Repetitive patterns, moods and atmospheres all get deeply imprinted and this can have an on-going influence whether we are consciously aware of it or not.

My treatment room is constantly being energetically cleansed with essential oils, incense, crystals and sometimes I give it another boost with my home made room spray Aura Mist. You can purchase Aura Mist spray for £15 from my Etsy shop here. I also regularly cleanse the rest of my home energetically to keep the energy fresh. It is very important to have a good flow of clear, high vibrational energy in your home and work place for your own health and well-being.

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Aura Mist dislpay

Essences And Sprays

As a child, I used to love making my own perfumes and I would spend many hot summer days collecting rose petals and other flowers for the recipe. It was great fun adding the water, bottling them up and then designing the labels.

When I started to make my own brand of ‘Aura Mist’ sprays the memories came flooding back and I felt like a child again. I felt excited and carefree and I allowed my intuitive mind to guide me during the whole process. You can buy ‘Aura Mist’ from my website or why not make your own? Here is a basic recipe.

Aura cleanse recipe
You will need:

· 50ml glass bottle
· Rose quartz crystal
· Amethyst crystal
· Lavender essential oil
· Frankincense essential oil
· Flower petals (optional)
· Teaspoon of brandy or vodka (preservative)
· Water – preferably from a sacred well, spring or brook (The vibrational quality of spring or spa water is perfect for making essences and sprays because as the water travels underground it picks up minerals and energy from the earth.)

Add the water, crystals and flower petals into a glass. The glass can be placed in a crystal grid, add symbols or burn incense if you like. Leave outside in a peaceful place while the vibration of the ingredients absorbs into the water. Working intuitively you will know when this is done.

Pour the water into the bottle adding a few drops of the essential oils and the preservative and your essence is ready. Shake the bottle well before use.

To cleanse your aura put a few drops in your hands, rub your hands together and then bring your hands up to your nose and inhale the aroma. This takes the vibration of the essence into your lungs where it is then absorbed into every cell in your body. Next, waft your hands around your aura from head to toe and this will clear any negativity in your energy field.

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