Crystal Therapy

Crystal therapy is a holistic healing practice that involves using various crystals and gemstones to balance and harmonize your body, mind and spirit. These crystals are believed to possess specific vibrations and energies that can influence your own energetic field.

This is a 50 minute treatment combining crystals, reiki and sound therapy – £45.00

During a crystal therapy session, I will select crystals and place them on your chakras and around the your body. As you relax, the crystals work to clear any blockages in your energy field, promoting physical and emotional well-being. This therapy is often used to relieve stress, anxiety, pain, and enhance spiritual growth.

While scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of crystal therapy is limited, many people report positive experiences with this practice and find value in using these beautiful stones for their therapeutic benefits.

Some of the crystals I use:

Rose quartz is the crystal of unconditional love and infinite peace and it is the most important stone for the heart and the heart chakra. Its pink colour is symbolic of warmth, love and gentleness. This crystal calmly draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love including self love, romantic love, family love and platonic love.

Clear quartz is the most versatile healing crystal known as the master healer. This crystal absorbs stress, releases and regulates energy. It cleanses and enhances the subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind. Slear quartz also allows karmic seeds to dissolve which helps to attune you to your spiritual purpose. Clear quartz works on many levels, so is a good all-rounder. This net is the most common because of it versatility.

Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective crystal with a high spiritual vibration. It is a very gentle healing crystal and excellent to use for people with sensitive energy fields. Amethyst crystal is a natural tranquiliser and helps calm the mind. Place an amethyst under your pillow for a good night’s sleep. It will also help you to remember your dreams.

Green Aventurine crystal is a comforter and heart healer and is known as the stone of opportunity. It is thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth. Green Aventurine releases old patterns, habits, and disappointments so new growth can take place. It works well with rose quartz.

Tigers eye is generally known as the confidence stone. It helps you to see the world in a more positive, optimistic way. It is a powerful stone that balances the lower chakras, promoting a grounding effect and enhancing confidence, courage, and protection. Its spiritual significance lies in its ability to harmonise yin and yang, the active and passive energies of the universe, fostering a balance within yourself and the external world.

Blue Lace Agate has a feminine energy and resonates with the Throat Chakra. It promotes clear communication, and helps you express your emotions without getting upset. This crystal has a grounding and calming energy and encourages reflection. It also helps to explore polarities in your own self and belief systems. It not not only helps harmonize your energies, but also reduces negative energies, keeping you relaxed and peaceful.

Citrine is a very powerful manifester. It also raises self-esteem and self-confidence and removes destructive tendencies. It enhances individuality, improves motivation, activates creativity, and encourages self-expression. It makes you less sensitive, and encourages acting on constructive criticism.

Red Jasper is known as the worry stone. It will absorb your worries and anxiety. It is often revered for its grounding properties, which help stabilise energy and provide a solid foundation during emotional upheaval.Those who seek an awakening of the spirit are drawn to Red Jasper.

Hematite is a very powerful grounding crystal which aids in releasing emotional baggage, fostering emotional balance and healing. It enhances mental clarity and concentration, and problem-solving abilities. Spiritually hematite can deepen meditation practices, providing a stronger connection to the spiritual realm.