I first became a published author in April 2019 after writing “Letters to Matthew”.
My 2nd book “A Gift for Grief” was published in November 2022.
Letters to Matthew’ invites you into my world of grief and is in two distinct parts.
Part one contains the heartfelt letters I wrote to my son Matthew after he died at the age of twenty-seven. The letters are a mixture of anguish, deep sorrow, humour, wisdom, personal insights and experiences that may resonate with others who have lost a special person. The letters were written in the moment and capture my thoughts, feelings and insights that were going on for me at the time. They are at times, a difficult read, but they highlight how grief changes over time and how writing played a big part in supporting me through the darkest period of my life.
Part two is about my journey of self-discovery and how I turned my grief and loss into something positive. This book is not about fixing people or forcing the healing process because, as the book explains, there is no cure for grief. Grief can only be absorbed, carried, experienced and cared for.
I am very proud of the reviews I received.
“This book is incredible – honest, poignant and open, and it’s going to help so many people”. VICTORIA DERBYSHIRE, BBC JOURNALIST, TELEVISION / RADIO PRESENTER AND AUTHOR
“Everyone has a story to tell but not many people could share their experience of grief in the way Louise has shared hers. A heart breaking read with an uplifting, spiritual undertone. Inspirational!” NICK COOKE, THERAPIST, WRITER AND TRAINER. CREATOR OF THE MINDFULNESS NOW TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMME
“Louise’s book has the potential to inspire people who feel stuck in grief. By using various tools including EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, Louise has been able to courageously move through the grieving process in a very different way. A truly inspiring read!” KARL DAWSON, HAY HOUSE AUTHOR, TRAINING DIRECTOR EFT & MATRIX REIMPRINTING ACADEMY
Letters to Matthew was also featured in a number of newspaper and magazine articles.
Daily Mail Online
Stratford Herald magazine
Chat Magazine
Woman’s Own magazine
In my 2nd book “A Gift for Grief”, I share case studies from my work as a therapist. The book also contains affirmations, meditations, exercises, inspirational quotes, poems, and parables which will benefit anyone who has loved and lost.
Reading about grief may seem daunting at first, but this book is there to read in short bursts whenever you need comfort. You can randomly open a page, read however much you need, then close the book, hopefully loosening or lightening your grief in some way.
While grief is a sensitive subject I approach it in a way that feels both real and honest. The experience of losing my son Matthew sent me on a journey through the darkest depths of my soul but by sharing my story, and my learnings, I now have a passion for supporting others going through a similar journey.
This book is not about fixing people or forcing the healing process, because as the book explains, there is no cure for grief. Grief can only be absorbed, carried, experienced, loved and cared for.
It can be hard to know what to do or what to say when someone is grieving, and this book makes a wonderful gift in those difficult times.
Both books can me purchased either via Amazon here or via my website www.louisebates.co.uk or you can purchase them from me direct.