Heal Your Inner Child MP3 Download by Louise Bates – Running time 25:00 mins.
Do you need to rescue, nurture or just love your inner child? For your wounded inner child to come out of hiding, he/she must be able to trust that you will be there.
The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have but if you are not at peace with yourself, you will find it difficult to enjoy real happiness.
Your thoughts and feelings shape your reality and until you learn how to completely let go of past negative emotions such as hurts, anger, sadness, fears, etc. and begin to completely love and accept yourself, you will continue to be plagued by indecision and self-doubt.
Be kind to yourself and listen to this relaxation. Allow yourself to move forward in your life and feel happier, more successful, more at peace than you have ever been, knowing that as you take emotional control your world will get better and better.
Your past is not your identity. You will still be the same amazing person but you will be free from the emotional baggage which weighs you down and keeps you from moving on in a positive way.
Are you ready to let go of the past?
Let it go….let it go…..let it go…………Peace.
Testimonial: Louise, I think this is by far the nicest inner child meditation I have ever heard. I shall be back for some more soon but just wanted to let you know how lovely it is. Abundant Blessings to you. K.P.
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